Heaven's Way

Inspiring workshops from Louise Exeter


I am the Dreamer of my Dreams

When I let go of all expectations I feel free to flow with the Universe and it’s fabulous!

The Angel Vision Board Workshop

Where does your soul want to take you? You are essence of your dreams: when you co-create with Angels, you become the artist and sculptor of your vision.


Where does my soul want to take me?
What is my soul longing to do?

Creating a vision board adds momentum to your desires, it’s your ready steady go statement to the Universe but MORE THAN THIS, have you ever thought that beneath the collage of wishes, the voice of your soul’s purpose is inviting you to create another story – a vision for the spirit of who you really are?

Through this on-line workshop with angel oracle cards, you’ll be guided through a spiritual
journey of discovery and creative self-expression.

Through the conversation of the cards and a series of creative exercise you’ll be co-creating with Spirit and the Angelic realm to make your very own ‘My Vision, My Story’ board and free-flow journal. When you write it down, magic happens. I’ve found working with the insights of Angels, Guardians and Guides fires up the imagination to explore and dream big.

Supported by your spiritual team in this way, light shines for self-belief and manifestation ~ you’ll find one beautiful thing can lead to another ~ you’ll become the artist and sculptor of your vision for the spirit of who you really are. You’ll become your own ‘Soul Whisperer’.

What is an Angel Vision Board?

Workshop facilitator, author and spiritual practitioner, Louise Exeter, describes the powerful outcomes that are possible with this card reading process.


Book your place on the course now.

How It Works

Through a FIVE-STEP PROCESS, Louise guides you in using your angel oracle cards, along with FREE-FLOW writing, to create an intuitive vision for your future. Whether it's to answer questions that you have or visualise a path forward in life, the technique can be used in many positive ways.

For cards used in video copyright:  The ‘Angel Guide Oracle’ by Kyle Gray, Artist Jennifer Hawkyard, Hay House Publishing.

Try the Course Today

As part of the launch of the course, you can purchase full online access TODAY for just ÂŁ37. A small investment in your personal learning and a new card reading technique that will last a lifetime.


As an extra gift to all students, receive these bonuses as part of the package at no extra charge.

Heaven & Earth Exercise

When we consciously connect to these wonderful energies we become a container – a vessel for receiving their Vital Life Force. This puts us in a good place because energy goes where thought flows. We nourish our life, honour our soul and move towards the harmony of BE-ing.

The Secret Language of Angels

Not everyone can channel messages from the angels directly. Yet the angels want to help us all achieve greater levels of peace, happiness and healing if we are willing to let them. For those who are interested in discovering more about receiving their guidance clearly and easily, Darren Linton created this beautiful & informative e-book, ‘The Secret Language of Angels’.

Giving Back

Pangolins are the world’s most trafficked mammal. Each day, hundreds of these poor creatures are torn from the wild. Their fate is to be shipped across the world and killed for their scales and meat.  We'll be donating a small contribution from your course fee to protecting these wonderful creatures.


Cards used in video copyright: The ‘Angel Guide Oracle’ by Kyle Gray, Artist Jennifer Hawkyard, Hay House Publishing.


50% Complete

Two Step

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